I've said this before, but it's worth saying again. ?Arguing in support of of Planned Parenthood because they do things other than abortions or contraception has some value (because it's true), but making the argument just about that is, as noted below, conceding that those services are somehow shameful, wrong, something they shouldn't be doing, or something they (and, most importantly, the women who use their services) shouldn't be supported in.
I contribute to PPA ? not simply because they provide abortion services, but not despite that, either.
(h/t +Steven Sudit)
Reshared post from +Rachel Mello
If I see one more progressive liberal saying we should protect planned parenthood because they do breast cancer or STD screenings I'm going to freakin' scream.Stop saying we should support Planned Parenthood because they do more than reproductive-related services. Stop. Shut the fuck up about breast cancer screenings, and other STDs. Don't you see? Every time you repeat that shit you help further the intent of marginalizing reproductive health care. You help further the insane notion of separating out some woman's health-care issues from the reproductive ones as if a woman's health and her body is only her own to take care of when it comes to things that are not reproductive-related. Stop helping the anti-sex crowd.
Support Planned Parenthood because a woman is a whole person, and a healthy sex life is part of being an adult woman, and taking care of an entire human being includes taking care of the entire body. Support planned parenthood because they treat sexual organs as an integral part of an autonomous person's whole body, not despite of it!
My people, progressives, you're not helping our cause when you play into their game.
E.T.A? into the body of the post, this comment which I hope helps clarify a question several people raised about the message and its stridency:
The point I'm trying to make is best taken in context.
Anit-Sex Extremist says: "Get rid of Planned Parenthood; they do abortions and make birth control easily available. "Well Meaning Liberal replies: "Stop attacking Planned Parenthood. They are an important part of health care access. Many women go there for Breast Cancer screenings and other health care."
That reply is a retreat. It's conceding a point that abortions and birth control are on the table for discussion, while these other treatments are not. I proclaim that abortion and birth control must not be on the table for discussion. This is not a point we should be conceding. It's the logical surrender inherent in turning the conversation away from birth control that I defy.
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