শুক্রবার, ৩০ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

York recreation complex planning gets fund-raising boost ...

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November 29, 2012 2:03 PM

YORK, Maine ? An estimated 100 people boosted the coffers and efforts of the Friends of the Greater York Recreational Complex by attending a $25 to $30 a head reception at the York Harbor Inn on Wednesday.

The money will be added to the $8,000 the Friends have already raised towards a $20,000 feasibility study to determine the cost, placement, revenue stream and other factors in the group?s proposal to construct a multi-million dollar complex of a swimming pool, tennis and other sports courts and all-around recreational facility in York.

The York Senior Center, currently in the same century old former schoolhouse as the police station, is also under consideration to locate to the new facility after police move to a new building.

How the private business enterprise fits with a town proposed $3.5 million recreation and community center, which has long been on a long-term capital plan, is scheduled to be discussed at a public Capital Planning meeting at 8 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 5, in the superintendent?s office.

The Friends have said they envision a private/public partnership. When the Friends first pitched the idea for the Greater York Recreational Complex earlier this year, they suggested a membership-funded tennis and swimming facility on town-owned land on Bog Road.

Group founder Norm Martinen of Portsmouth, N.H., has since left the Friends, as his original idea has gone beyond a proposal for tennis courts and a pool, and become more community focused, according to Julie Edminster, vice president for the Friends? board of directors. The new facility, however, is slated to be open to residents beyond York.

Features of the recreational complex, its cost, where it should be built, how its operation will be funded and who should run it, await results of a feasibility study, Edminster said.

?The main objective is to come up with the square footage, the features, court costs, operating expenses and revenue streams,? she said.

The Friends is headed by Ray McMahon of York, president of the board of directors. McMahon formerly lived in Pennsylvania, where there was a recreational facility which had 5,000 members, funded by a private and public partnership, he said.

?We are working on this tirelessly,? McMahon told the crowd at the reception. ?We just know it?s going to happen. It?s tough, the economy is still not good, we know that.?

Once the money is raised, the feasibility study should take about a month and a half to complete, according to Laurel Pollard, finance chairman for the group.

The Friends on Wednesday released results of a survey of 220 people conducted in September and October. Most respondents were from York, said board member Tracy Keirns. They ranked the importance of potential features from high to low. Indoor swimming, aerobics, fitness, a track and multi-sports courts ranked higher than a senior center, child care facilities, arts and crafts space and a kitchen, according to the results.

About 80 percent said they would use the facility at least once a week. One-third said they travelled to Portsmouth for fitness or to use the city?s indoor pool, Keirns said. ?There?s quite a bit of money they?re taking when they go,? she said.

Many of those at Wednesday?s reception were couples who said they wanted a recreational facility where they could bring the kids.

?We have two children in York schools, we use the pool in Portsmouth,? said Barrie Hanlon of York.

Lisa Corcoran of York said she has two children, age 5 and 8. A facility the whole family could use, ?would be amazing,? she said.

Robert Palmer, chairman of the York Budget Committee said he could not speak for the committee, but as an individual, supports the recreational complex. ?I think it?s something the community needs,? he said.

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Source: http://www.seacoastonline.com/articles/20121129-NEWS-121129746

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